Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Quick update!

So we are back up in Richfield and loving it! This year I am working full time while Nate is also working pretty much full time, but also trying to finish school. Nate has once again changed his major...Natural Resources. Which really is pretty close to Range and Wildlife Biology. But he is in a natural resource class here and loves it! He figured he could do so much more places with natural resources so I hope he continues to love it and keep that enthusiasm. He is also working at IFA and he really does like that! He works almost every weekend which isn't too fun but oh well!! A job is a job now a days!
      As for me I got the dream job I wanted for right now! I am working at the Richfield clinic which is part of intermountain healthcare. In the future I would like to work at a intermountain hospital so this is getting my foot in the door. I work with the best ladies and doctors!! I absolutely love going to work and being there. I am loving our life right now! We moved into a new apartment which is awesome and we love, we have great family's, great friends, and of course each other so life is so awesome!!

This weekend my little brother took some pics of Nate and I. I have been asking him forever to do a photo shoot for us and after endless months of nagging it worked and at the perfect time! So here are a few pics! He is amazing! And to think he isn't even majoring in photography! :)

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