Wednesday, September 2, 2015


Graduated with my Bachelors of Nursing from SUU!! Done with school finally!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Playing Catch Up

Lots has happened since I have last blogged. Nate is back in school at Snow full time and has to drive to Ephraim EVERY day which totally sucked on gas, hence we bought a new car and we love it! I passed my RN boards back in August and was working at Stonehenge which I loved, but accepted a job at the hospital (Sevier Valley hospital ) and I started in November and I really can say I love my job and everyone I work with. I know I am that new graduate nurse excited about life, but seriously it has been my dream since I was little and now I am finally living it. I have learned so much and continue to every shift. I am also finishing my bachelors degree in nursing down at SUU and graduate May 1st!!' Yahoooo! So ready to be finished with school. 
Trigg is just growing and developing new skills everyday. We love him so much and laugh all day long at the funny things he does. Physically I swear he is so far ahead, but the boy just doesn't like to talk, and if he does some makes no sense. But he says, " what's that?","horse","dog","moo" "dad" "chicken or sadly cock, clarify--> we say cock a doodle doo", and the rest is in his own language. But he babbles all
Day and is improving everyday. He runs, jumps, rides his strider, plays ball, and did I mention runs?? All day!! He is fast too!
He also started nursery! Some days he loves it and others he doesn't. He is growing right up. 
   We had great holidays with our families and are just busy playing life and enjoying evey minute we get together. Here is a little catch up in our last 7 months!